
No.9 Thompson

If you are an avid fan of Jim Thompson's fabrics you are probably already familiar with our sister range, No.9 Thompson. The concept of this new line was to be the response to the ever growing needs for simple elegance in home décor. 

No. 9 Thompson differentiates itself from the traditional Jim Thompson collection through its user friendly and accessible approach - regularly described by the customers as the 'casual range' ...

I would describe it as ... if Jim Thompson was Giorgio Armani, then No.9 Thompson would be its equivalent of Armani Exchange.

The collection aims to meet the expectations of the new and existing customers by providing the highest quality of fabric but also placing a new emphasis on accessibility and versatility. Due to the nature of the designs, the fabrics from No.9 Thompson evoke a sense of comfort and homeliness for a living space. 

Under the creative design direction of the wonderful Richard Smith, No.9 Thompson has also just launched its 5th collection titled, 'Opus'.

Here are a few of my favourite pieces ...



Wow, last week has gone by surprisingly fast but I'm happy to report that I survived the busy week we had during London Design Week at Chelsea Habour Design Centre!

It was so nice to kick start the new week on Monday with such a nice sunny spell over London!

While out and about commuting this week, I've notice many high street clothing stores have changed their shop displays to welcome our long awaited spring ...

Looks like the tribal, traditional prints and the ikats are back. Talking of which ... how refreshing are Jim Thompson's 100% handwoven silk ikats from the new collection especially the lime green, 'Daphins' (last picture)

I love ikats .... i hope you'll do too!


Bob Bob Ricard

I totally forgot to tell you about this place ....

Such a great vibe, good service and delightful menu ... not to mention the 'press for champagne' button and the cocktail list ...

The photos say it all ...
 (I think I quite like to have my birthday party here)

Tuna Cappacio Nicoise Salad
'BBR Beef Tea Soup'

... with the little 'B and R's'

Cornish Crab Cake with tomato, leek and pan-fried quail egg

Roast Belly of Suckling Pork

Lobster & Crab Linguine

.... yes indeed!

For more details: http://www.bobbobricard.com/


London Design Week 2011

... I almost forgotten how much I love being around fabrics!

It's been almost 4 years since my post as a designer at the delightful Bangkok-based 'Beyond Living' (www.beyond-living.com)

A few days ago I re-emerged in the textile circle again, but this time, in London and just in time for the kick-off of London Design Week 2011.

Currently based at Fox Linton, working for Jim Thompson, I have been having such an amazing time being around interior designers, decorator and textile enthusiasts! 

We have just launched the new collection for 2011 in the UK entitled: 'The Rite of Spring' aimed to entertain and delight you with new designs and textures. 

With this collection, the design team has taken a dramatic leap forward without losing any of the characteristics that make Jim Thompson silk so unique.

Please see our new display and some of the enthralling pieces from the collection below ...


A VISUAL JOURNAL .. found during a mini spring clean session

Can you believe it's already March? Spring is indeed approaching fast! 

I was on Twitter this morning and 'Country Living' magazine tweeted ...

It got me thinking ... and I ended up being horrified at the thought of the first thing that came to my mind - "Spring cleaning"! Surely that can't be the first thing that enters people's mind? (Are there anyone out there as insane as I am?)

The ugly truth is ... I actually enjoy uncluttering, tidying, hovering and 'Spring' is just a mere excuse! I always feel overwhelmed with a sense of control when I clean!

I have always been a bit anal (pardon the choice of word) when it comes to my living space; books has to be stacked neatly and towel hanged with military-tidy precision. However, most recently at the request of my little sister (who I live with), gave my alter-ego a little vacation. It feels good to be 'out of control' once in a long while and now, living with the consequences, I find myself rummaging through piles of laundry that I have not put away, magazine cuttings, and a bag that is 20% unpacked since my last trip to Turkey a month ago! 

Before I digress from the topic of spring cleaning, which, by the way, I started today by clearing and organising files and folder on my laptop and in doing so, I came across my pride and joy which I have forgotten to mention in my previous posts.  

"Visual Journal" ... is what I called it - fragments of memories, space and time during my adventures last year - all photographed, designed and arranged by me into a funky little calendar for family and friends as a New Year gift for 2011 (yes, New Year gift, a tradition in Thailand as we Buddhist don't celebrate Christmas quite like any other nations!)

These are photos from my trips to Turkey, Laos, Hong Kong, Thailand and a bit of London in 2010.