

If you have been following my post since the beginning, you would have known that my man resides in a town he claims is in the 'middle of nowhere' in 'rural Turkey' ... known as Adana

This is my 3rd visit now and I'm ashamed to say that, today was the first day I dared to venture out to explore Turkey's 4th largest city. This sudden urge to leave his apartment while he was out working, was because it has been a few days without any exercise and I'm beginning to feel a bit frustrated with how lazy I have become (just cos it's holiday mode) ...

So I decided to combine my sight-seeing, jogging and finding my way around this city into one activity. (Just to digress a little .. the weather in London, where I live, was perfect. I left the English sun for this Turkish rain! ... so was feeling a bit annoyed as I thought I could do with returning with a tan! So when the rain clouds finally lifted, I thought .. perfect time to go for a run!)

Off I went ...

gosh it took my breath away .. the jogging (mostly - I think I caught up with the tan in the end. It was so hot!) and of course the sight:


Let your imagination run 'wild' ....

I'm sat (stuffed) but very contented in a little, simple but comfortable hotel on Utzschneiderstraße in Munich having spent the evening in a traditional Bavarian resto eating much more potato dumplings than my tummy could have handled. You must be wondering which part of the night made it more than mundane, well, I spent it with a great crowd including one of the most charming creative extraordinaire I've ever known. He goes by the name ... Douglas Little.

Some of you may have known him for his exquisite works for the windows of Bergdorf Goodman and Van Cleef & Arpels. His style, theatrical and beyond imaginative, capture the core essence of luxury retail. 

I was so honoured to have spent almost half a day around Munich with the man who has now become one of my top idols. Not only because of his fantastic works, but he is truly one of the most charming and amicable man for the talent that he exudes. As the evening crept in on us, I watched him put on the finishing touches to Jim Thompson showroom on Müllerstraße and got a brief glimpse of how a genius works!

Douglas turned our showroom into an exotic fantasy jungle, reflecting the essence of the rare and mysterious forest of the far orient and the indigenous animals of Thailand while portraying the lushness of Jim Thompson's luxury home furnishing fabrics while embodying the heritage of Thai silk which are nature to us.

So, if you're in town or passing by for an inspirational moment, I highly recommend you to come by our phantasmic jungle ... I promise you, here, you can really let your imagination run wild ...