
Holiday Withdrawal Syndrome

... might be the only drawback of going on a holiday/mini break/get-away ...

Even missing my connecting flight from Istanbul to Adana last week couldn't dampen my spirit knowing that my adventure has already begun the day I knew we were going to Cappadocia.

I have just finished a book, a very interesting chapter titled "Going Away" outlined why people shouldn't really "go away" if they needed to "get away" .. going on a "holiday" doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to wind down, get the rest that you need or be with yourself. Sometimes it's actually require more effort, you ended up being more tired than before you set off and you still haven't had time to be with yourself. You would have never been "away" at all ...

That is why I would always refer to these trips as .. "adventures" because I'm not going away, I don't need to get away. It's not about the destination, but the journey.

Here are some more photos from this "adventure" ...

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