

If you’re ever stuck wondering what to make for dinner on a Sunday night try this really easy recipe. This would be ideal if you have any leftover vino from the night before …

Chicken Thighs (with bones)
Bay leaves
Chicken Stock
Salt and Pepper
Red Wine

I don’t weight out the ingredients – because I believe that my best dishes are always an incidental discovery. Trust your tastebuds!

So this is how it’s done;
- Heat a pan and fry the chicken until it’s golden. You don’t need any oil for this!
- Then add the chopped carrots, onions and the herbs. Cook for about 5mins
- Add the chicken stock and red wine (if your pan is not deep enough, you may, at this point, need to transfer the cooking ingredients into a pot)
- Let it stew over low heat for 2-3 hours and voila .. it’s ready to be served.

But this dish, it’s hard to go wrong and even if you think you’re ... you can use my rule of thumb; if in doubt just add more wine!

Showing this photo to a friend yesterday got him to suggest cooking it with ‘vino blanco’.  Next time I’m cooking this, I might just have to try that!

If anyone has tried this before, I’d love to hear your thoughts


Pithawat said...

Super simple recipe, just the way I like my Sunday cooking!

My personal preference would be to add a handful of button mushrooms with the chicken. Will give this a try this week.

Sasaya Burana said...

We ended up adding pearl barley which soaked up the soup but still gave that crunch!

And ... also added chopped sautee mushroom with bacon bits at the end too!!