
A very different but invirgorating outdoor walk

I'm not a morning person and those who know me will be able to tell you of what a 'joy' it is to drag me out of bed!

Only a few rare things will stir me from my nightly slumbers; freshly brewed coffee, breakfast in bed, snowboarding on fresh powered snow and this morning ... knowing I was going on a little but longed for adventure.

I have been reading Kirstie Allsopp's "Homemade Home" and fell in love with the thought of getting lost in and rummaging through outdoor treasure trove filled with vintage, second-hand furniture and decorative delights .

Yes, my little "adventure" was to an antique market (some of you might be thinking: 'antique market', hardly an adventure?!?) but let me tell you, for someone whose most vivid memory of antique market resembles that of a car boot sale at a certain prep school in Eastbourne back in 1995, Sunbury Antique Market at Kempton Racecourse was ... invigoratingly inspiring!

I didn't go there to buy anything in particular but, a while back I took a Masterclass Interior Design course with Kelly Hoppen and she mentioned that this is one of the most enthralling playground for interior designers as well as antique enthusiasts.(Don't get me wrong, I don't watch Antique Roadshow in my spare time ...)

Sunbury Antique Market is one of UK's longest-running bi-monthly antique markets that has a certain Guy Ritchie's film vibes about it. 

Sadly today I didn't arrived until 11am and most vendors were already packing up for the day (considering they started at the crack of dawn). Even so, I got to meet Craig who supply Jack Will stores with his school/laboratory-esque pieces and seen some wonderful things that will make Aladdin green with envy because his treasure cave didn't stock them! 

Like all experiences, you have to go through yourself in order to know if you'd enjoy it or not, but I can tell you, I will definitely be back for more ...

Check out a my first visual account of this adventure:


So they say, being creative isn't always about making a tangible object but my idle hands wouldn't have it any other way.

I have always been proud of the fact that I taught myself a lot of crafts through readings and deciphering some very confusing diagrams. And here is my most recent work .... only because I felt guilty being a couch potato lately!


and a little bit of Mersin

A mini adventure with Jan on the Mersin Coast in Turkey. 

Une vie Parisiene ...

These snapshots were taken while I was in Paris earlier this January for Maison & Objet



Wow ... we're in 2011 and it's already coming to the end of February!

It's like I don't know what happened with last year! Time flies with a blink of an eye and I felt like I have let this blog down. So here I am with a well, almost quarter-of-the-year resolution ... to keep up with writing a little bit more.

Some wonderful photos from my trips to share though ... enjoy!